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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Christmas in July!!!!

Hello All!! Today has really felt like Christmas! I received so many packages in the mail today and my husband even bought me a a really nice gift.... and it was just because! (or was it???? I think that there is a catch to it coming later. I'm not sure when, but I'm almost positive he'll bring it up when he wants something.) Anywho... I decided to upgrade from the "point and shoot" to my first SLR! OMG!!!! I absolutely love my new camera.

I couldn't open the package fast enough. My first test subject was my baby, Bella. I think she really likes for me to take pictures of her. She's sooooo cute!

I also received my document camera that I ordered from Ebay!!! It was such a hassle sharing one with all of the teachers in my building. I won't have to worry about that this year. I HAVE MY OWN!!! I'm sure most of you have Smartboards and some of the other fancy gadgets, but this is a big step up! Those resources are hard to come by where I work. That's okay though, we make it work. Maybe one day....
Sorry, the picture is sideways. :(

Finally, my sweet, yet sneaky husband bought me a nice gift. (I mean 2 gifts!!!) I really love my new laptop sleeve and my stereo headphones... IN ZEBRA PRINT!!!! Whoo, hoooo!!!

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday. I sure am!! I'm headed to take more pictures of any and everything. Haha!! 


  1. Wow! That awesome! I love having a doc camera! It's changed my whole teaching life :) I have been drooling over one of those Rebels for a long long while. One day soon hopefully! Is Bella a mini-pin? My parents dog is a mini-pin and he is the sweetest most protected dog! Bella is a beauty!

    1. I'm sure my doc camera will change mine too, now that I will have access to one everyday.

      The Rebel is awesome!!! I feel like a professional photographer. I want to go out and buy all the accessories. Not really... those things are EXPENSIVE! The camera bag alone was 70 bucks. Once you decide to get it, you won't put it down!!! I know I haven't!!!

      Yes... our sweet dog is a mini-pin. She is very protective as well. She will be celebrating her 5th birthday in November. :)

  2. I am nominating you for the One Lovely Blog award!

    A Place to Thrive
